Sunday, September 14, 2014

Digital Badge B

For my second digital badge, badge #B, the three concepts I chose were "Developing Lessons and Engaging Students", "Using Technology to Enhance Teaching", and "Technology Use by Teachers"
For the first concept I chose "Developing Lessons and Engaging Students" because technology can be used as a learning tool. Studies show that when using technology, the students showed more interest. Now a days, students are so attached to their smart phones and computers, I bet they would show a huge grade improvement if teachers used more technology for certain projects or assignments.

For my second concept, I chose "Using Technology to Enhance Teaching". Using technology to enhance teaching would not only benefit you, but also your students. Many teacher's use email as a way to contact, email uses technology. Another benefit with learning more technology would make preparing for lesson plans a lot easier.

My third concept I chose was "Technology Use by Teachers". This being very similar to my previous concept. I would have no idea where to begin if I had to make my own lesson plans, send out a mass email through the school email address, or word processing. I myself would like to become the best teacher I can be and be up to date on the technology to improve my skills.

1 comment:

  1. There is much to focus on with regards to technology and it can be overwhelming, but generally one thinks of both productivity (email, lesson planning, word processing) and then how you would use technology for helping students learn (web 2.0 tools, SmartBoards, etc). Learn as much as you can to get up to speed, but don't worry about mastering it as technology will change faster than you can blink an eye sometimes! :)

    You will want to add visual enhancements and your resources for future blog posts.
