During my first semester of college I enrolled in Intro to Technology for Educators so that I could get one step closer to my dream of becoming a teacher. I had no idea what to expect for this class, but I soon learned that this online class was one of my most challenging, but rewarding classes I have taken thus far. Throughout this semester our work load consisted of blogs, projects, reading chapters from our assigned book, class discussions, and weekly digital badges. All of the activities, assignments and projects that we did during this semester really helped me understand what teachers actually do and the important role technology plays in being an outstanding teacher. The Collaborative Lesson plan and the Teacher Web Portfolio were two assignments that I learned the most from in this course. Before those assignments, I had no idea of the proper items to place on a portfolio or how to create a detailed lesson plan.
Each week we created a digital badge that reflected what we learned from the chapter. Digital badges taught me to step up my creativity. Although I may not have been the best at my digital badges, I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge in creating them and knowing how they are used for future reference. I am most proud of my Lino on virtual field trips. I look forward to using it in my future classroom. One very important website that I have gained from this class is "Delicious". I look forward to continue to use that website to keep track of all educational websites I find for when I become a teacher. During this course, our learning objective consisted of Communication, Critical Thinking, and Technology. Throughout this course we had used all three in many different ways. Communication(COM) came in handy when we were required to communicate with our selected group members and create an Instructional Strategy Wiki and a Collaborative Lesson Plan. During our Lesson Plan, we also used Critical Thinking (CT). As far as Technology/Information Management (TIM), I would say we practiced that particular learning objective as each week passed throughout this semester. Each week we learned new technology that would be used in the Education field and at the end of each week, we continued to practice using previous technology with our badges. By learning and using all of the material, I feel that when the time comes, it will make me a better teacher.
Maloy, R., O’Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.
Emily's blog
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Digital Badge #L
For our last blog post, we were to read Chapter 12 and choose three concepts that we want to further explore and learn about. This week, for my three concepts I decided to choose Bring Your Own Technology Programs, Technology and the Culture of Schools, and Different Types of Technology-Equipped Classrooms. I chose Bring Your Own Technology Programs because while I currently work in a school where they began introducing more classrooms to BYOT. Schools are making sure to involve every student, even the ones who are less fortunate by offering equipment to rent. One of the issues that stands by allowing students to bring their own devices is teachers not fully understanding the equipment the students are bringing, that could cause issues in the classroom/school. For my second concept I chose Technology and the Culture of Schools. I chose that topic because I am interested to learn how different culturals could affect technology in the classroom. This section mentions that when an idea is set in motion, it is passed down from administration to the teachers then to the students. When those administrators create the new policy, they don't see how it affects the students' learning and the teacher's teaching. Last but not least, I chose Different Types of Technology-Equipped Classrooms because since I have been working in school for a few years, private and public, I have noticed the differences and similarities of technology in both schools. Many classrooms now a days have smart boards, ipads, and laptops but there are still classrooms that don't have a single computer for access.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Digital Badge #K
This week, we were to read chapter 6:Fostering Online Learning with Educational Websites and Apps. As with other weeks, we were to choose three distinct concepts that we wanted to further explore and reflect upon. The three concepts I chose were Bookmarking and Cloud Computing for Teachers,Designing Successful Webquests, and Virtual Field Trips. I decided to choose Bookmarking and Cloud Computing for Teachers because being one that has a smart device that has access to the cloud, I unfortunately do not know all that it is able to do or how it works. Reading that paragraph informed me that is also able to do more than I thought. Being able to use "the cloud" to bookmark to store and/or retrieve files from any device. For my second concept, I chose Designing Successful Webquests because I wanted to get a better idea of what a webquest is and how it is used knowing that our next assignment is creating our own Webquest. Webquest allows students to express the meaning of the the lesson in their own way, whether it be creating a piece of art if you are not the most phenomenal reader or writer. Last but not least, I chose Virtual Field Trips for my last concept. I chose Virtual Field Trips/Online Field Trips because while reading the chapter that was certainly something that caught my eye. I have never heard of someone taking a virutual field trip. Listed in the chapter is a variety of online field trips and tours that you are able to take online.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Digital badge I
For this blog, we were instructed to read chapter 4; "Designing Lessons and Developing Curriculum with Technology" and choose three distinct concepts we would like to further explore. After reading chapter four, I discovered that three concepts I wanted to further explore were 1)Enhancing Lesson Development with Technology 2)Using Technology in Lesson Planning and 3) Assessing and Evaluating Students. Enhancing Lesson Development with Technology was my first concept because I would love to know the purpose of a lesson plan and how it is constructed. Goals, methods, and procedures are a huge part of creating a lesson plan. Technology is a main supporter of lesson plans in a variety of ways. Learning assessments is something that occurs before, during, and after teaching lesson(s). It is a technique that helps summarize what students have learned from the lesson. For my second concept, I decided to chose "Using Technology in Lesson Planning". Technology has become such a huge part in our education system that it was only a matter of time before it was brought in to our planning and teaching of the lessons. By further exploring this lesson, I was hoping to gather what ways you could use technology, which software was available, and how effective it is. I read that many organizations provide downloadable lesson planning templates using Student Learning Objectives. For my last concept, I decided to choose Assessing and Evaluating Students. I chose this concept because I wanted to further learn about different types of assessments and how to efficiently evaluate students. While reading the segment, I learned that there are two types of test assessments and a standard based assessment. There is also a performance assessment which measures what someone actually does in a certain activity.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Digital Badge #J (Updated)
We started off this week by continuing in our book and reading chapter 11; "Engaging Students in Performance Assessment and Reflective Learning". We were choose three concepts that we would like to further learn about. For my three concepts I chose, "The Role of Assessment in Teaching and Learning", "Digital Teaching Portfolios", and Involving Students in Learning and Assessment. I chose "Engaging Students in Performance Assessment and Reflective Learning because while reading that section, it taught me which features are interrelated elements. It explained the difference between new teacher assessments, students assessments, and student self-assessments. Further leaning more about this subject and how to properly prepare for an assessment or to distribute student assessments will prepare me and my future as a teacher. For my second concept I chose, "Digital Teaching Portfolios". I decided to further learn about this topic because it talks about creating your portfolio before you even begin your teaching career. Learning how to create a proper portfolio includes experiences, summertime experiences, volunteering, and talents. For my last concept, I decided to choose "Involving Students in Learning and Assessment". I chose this concept because it explains how involving students in creating your lessons and activities helps the students to remain interested in what they are learning. Certain tasks assigned to the students could make all the difference with their academics.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Digital Badge #H
This week, I continued on to chapter 10; "Promoting Success for All Students through Technology". While reading this chapter, it taught me many things involving how to teach technology for diverse students, translation services, and how to adapt classroom learning with certain technology. My first concept I would like to continue to enhance my knowledge of would be Electronic Spellers and Dictionaries. Throughout this chapter, I learned the variety of different materials there were used in order to help students of all ages. Students are more likely to engage in learning if they like the material they are using. One thing I would like to further reflect upon would be how successful are these techniques? How much do children improve when using these based off of doing it manually without technology. For my second concept, I chose "Assistive Technology to Reach Diverse Learners". I chose this concept because I learned which technology is best suited for students with disabilities. Speech recognition software, text reading software, and storybook apps are all different ways to use technology that helps students in the classroom with disabilities. i chose this concept because I wanted to further learn how many different types of software there was for particular students and if there was a certain technique students preferred. For my third concept I chose "Writing Transformations with Technology". I decided to chose this concept because the first paragraph caught my eye. The first paragraph stated that students disliked writing for one more reasons being pressure, patience, lack of confidence, patience, ect. It caught my attention because wanting to become a teacher, and assisting in a classroom I was hoping to find ways to transition my students in a positive way and in a way that made them not cringe at the sound of writing or spelling.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Digital Badge #G
For this weeks lesson, I continued in the book with Chapter 9; Expressing Creativity with Multimedia Technologies. In Chapter nine, it talks about the different technologies they offer in schools today. For this assignment, you were to chose three concepts that you would like to continue to learn more about. For my three concepts, I decided to chose ones that gathered my attention more so than others. My first concept, I chose Multimedia Technologies in Schools Today. With all the technology there is available for students and teachers, I was curious how much more was brought in to schools since I was in school. I was hoping to find that information out in this section. For my second concept in chapter nine, I decided to choose "Strategies for Using PowerPoint with Students". Many people have basic knowledge of the PowerPoint program, but with this section, I was hoping to learn more in depth details about PowerPoint and how to correctly demonstrate it to my students if I was to use it in my classroom someday. Last, but not least, for my third concept I chose "Literacy Learning with Digital Cameras". Part of that article that caught my eye was the section within "Literacy Learning with Digital Cameras" called "Alphabet Books. That topic captured my attention because I was curious to learn more about the Alphabet Books since I am leaning more towards becoming a Kinder-Second Grade teacher. I would love to learn strategies on how to bring technology in to such a young age group.
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